Telegram deleted 25 videos the South Korean Communications Standards Commission said depicted sex crimes, and regulators reported that site administrators pledged a "relationship of trust." The agency said it intends to establish a hotline to ensure urgent action on deepfakes.
Prominent North Korean hacker groups Kimsuky and Andariel have been targeting South Korea's construction and machinery sectors since January to steal classified information to help the country modernize its cities and factories, South Korean government agencies warned on Monday.
Aboitiz Data Innovation faced a unique challenge: Design a wholesale architecture for a generative AI lab for a bank while ensuring accurate responses and maintaining strict information security protocols, said Guy Sheppard, chief commercial officer at Aboitiz Data Innovation.
Security researchers say they've traced a spate of backdoor attacks during 2021 against pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong to a Chinese cyberespionage group that has recently retooled its arsenal. The group is tracked by the Symantec Threat Hunter Team as Daggerfly.
The Australian cybersecurity agency is blaming a Chinese state-backed cyberespionage group, tracked as APT40, for persistent cyberattacks on Australian organizations to steal sensitive information. The group exploits known software vulnerabilities to compromise networks.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore said banks will phase out one-time passwords for bank account logins over the next three months for customers who use digital tokens to authenticate their identity. The move follows a rise in phishing scams that impersonate banks in messages to steal credentials.
A Chinese state-sponsored group, tracked as RedJuliett, is using open-source VPN client SoftEther to target the infrastructure of about 75 organizations in government, academic and technology sectors in multiple countries. Most of the attacks appear to target Taiwan.
Law enforcement authorities in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan took down a cybercrime ring that used dozens of servers and hundreds of phishing pages across multiple jurisdictions to run a malware-enabled scam operation and steal tens of millions from victims' bank accounts.
Medibank's lack of MFA on its global VPN allowed a hacker to use credentials stolen from an IT services desk contractor to access the private health insurer's IT systems in 2022, leading to a dark web data leak affecting 9.7 million individuals, Australian regulators said in court documents.
A Singapore court has sentenced a former employee of NCS Group to two years and eight months in prison for accessing the company's software test environment and wiping 180 virtual servers months after his employment ended. The company detected the unauthorized access after he deleted the servers.
A financially motivated hacker claims to have stolen over 34 gigabytes of data belonging to Singapore-based Telecom company Absolute Telecom. The hacker dubbed GhostR claims to have access to the company's data including corporate accounting, credit cards and customer information.
Australian mining giant Northern Minerals says cybercriminals stole sensitive corporate secrets from its systems not long after the government forced several Chinese investors to divest their shares in the company. The incident did not have a material impact on Northern's operations or systems.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority says it has filed proceedings against Optus in a federal court as the company failed to protect sensitive customer data during a data breach in September 2022. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner is also investigating the incident.
SIM swap fraud continues to cause substantial financial losses for both consumers and financial institutions, undermining the integrity of the financial ecosystem. In the UAE, the banking industry has incurred considerable losses from SIM swap fraud. But a strategic approach has stopped it.
Australian e-prescription firm MediSecure said it is dealing with a large-scale cyberattack that could affect the personal and health information of millions of patients. The company says it is working with the Australian government on a "whole-of-government response" to the ransomware attack.
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